By Crissylove10 - 18/01/2010 20:12 - United States

Today, I bought a fake "wedding ring" at Target to play a prank on my parents. They kicked me out, saying my "fiancé" can take care of me now. There is no fiancé, and I just lost my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 120
You deserved it 43 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unemployed? Sounds like the perfect time to waste money on pranks.


Oh man, royally funny op... Comic genius in the house... Dumb pos...

vicgeo92 4

Your parents suck just as much as mine do. That's ridiculous.

You have no job and make stupid purchases? ydi

You just lost your job and you're spending money on a ring?

Smart people I know would save whatever money they have left for emergencies if they lost their job or whatever reason. If you're unemployed and you think it's hilarious to spend money just to pull a prank, you're a complete moron, and I have no sympathy for you.