By Anonymous - 25/01/2015 07:01 - United States

Today, I bought an electric toothbrush because they're supposed to be a lot healthier than regular ones. My crazy religious mom immediately called me a whore and said she knew what I really wanted to use it for. So that's $80 in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 524
You deserved it 2 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How dare you clean your teeth using devil magic! Batteries are formed using the spit of Satan. You'd better start praying for salvation right now.

I'm sorry op. I love my electric toothbrush, it's great for my teeth


Why exactly would she claim to "know" that you wanted it for something other than brushing teeth?.....does she secretly have one she uses herself...or maybe she felt "tempted" to use yours & decided to blame you rather that herself for her own impure thoughts? I'd say your mom needs to pray for forgiveness for being suspicious over

I'm sorry but any so called "mother" who calls their child a "*****" at any god damn point without them actually being a sex worker doesn't deserve any sympathy. At all. That's called verbal and emotional abuse and no female should grow up feeling like merely existing is her being a "*****".

YDI for throwing it in the trash because of your mom didn't like it

gintwinsmoore 20

you have Sybil's mother...or Carrie's mother, don't u?

How quickly can you move out of home OP? She is only going to get worse and much more crazy over time. For now, clean the toilet with her toothbrush.

Wow, $80 for a toothbrush, even an electric one? Where the hell did you shop? Still sucks though. You shouldn't have thrown it away, though. I'm okay with religion, but some people are stupid crazy about it and that makes me mad.