By Anonymous - 25/01/2015 07:01 - United States

Today, I bought an electric toothbrush because they're supposed to be a lot healthier than regular ones. My crazy religious mom immediately called me a whore and said she knew what I really wanted to use it for. So that's $80 in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 524
You deserved it 2 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How dare you clean your teeth using devil magic! Batteries are formed using the spit of Satan. You'd better start praying for salvation right now.

I'm sorry op. I love my electric toothbrush, it's great for my teeth


iAmPaul 49

If she threw it out without your consent, let alone knowledge, she's not allowed to do that, so FYL. If you threw it out yourself for some odd reason, YDI. Regardless, I honestly don't see how you could have let an investment like that get thrown out, by anyone.

Her mind is in the trash, not your's. You can't get an idea like that unless you've thought about it.

Looks like your mom isn't so Christian anymore. ?

So what??? Masturbating its completely healthy! Psychologist speaking here... Don't let ur mom run ur life or judgement... Creat ur own story...

For a professional, you sure don't type like one.

I really hope you get your $80 back and a new toothbrush.

An $80 electric toothbrush?! Man you can buy em for five bucks in Aus!

I pictured the mother from.the movie "Carrie".

Tell your mum that not everyone is as obsessed with sex as she is.

Then what on earth does YOUR mum use her toothbrush for...?