By anlhawks - 10/09/2010 04:02 - United States

Today, I bought my boyfriend two concert tickets (of our favorite band) for his birthday. I was expecting him to bring me since I gave them to him and I like the band too. He said, "Sweet, thanks, I'll call my friend now and see if he wants to go. Think you could give us a ride?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 041
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you speak up and say, "No. I'm taking YOU. If you don't want to go, I'll take somebody else." Don't be a doormat.

FFML_314 11


yagurlteeteexoxo 0

OP, next time just speak up... Not an FML, by the way...

ZacharyorAndrew 0

you shouldve given them to him and ask if he wants 2 go wit u. ydi

loludeserveit 0

why didn't you just take him to the concert if you wanted to go?

RedPillSucks 31

Communication is one of the main parts of a good relationship. You should have told him you wanted to go with him as you handed him the tickets. Still, he was a jerk not to ask you first though. However, I agree with #21 this this seems like a bunch of game playing on your part as well.

EvilDave 13

The only jerk in this scenario is the OP. She gave a GIFT expecting something in return. If she wanted to go to the show with him, she should have TAKEN him to the show as his present, not given him two tickets and expecting him to take her.

RedPillSucks 31

I agree with everything but the first sentence. I think its kind of implied when your bf/gf gives you tickets someplace.

Alesana_Love 0

What an asshole. That's when you get up and say, "Hope you have fun." And leave and go find a new guy to take to the show. :)

EvilDave 13

Maybe she should have taken him to the show instead of giving him two tickets, as if she didn't want or couldn't go, and expecting him to ask her.

good bf!! friends over bf/gf always cuz dey r 4evr!!!

God learn how to spell and use proper sentence structure! -.-

EvilDave 13

So instead of TAKING him to the show you also wanted to go see, you gave him two tickets to a show and he chose to take his friend instead of you who, from his POV didn't seem to want to go because if you did want to go YOU WOULD HAVE KEPT A TICKET AND TAKEN HIM INSTEAD.

i agree. you should have told him you've got 2 tickets to the concert and you're gonna bring him there as a birthday treat. not GIVE him the 2 tickets and let him do whatever he wants with it. OH HEY I FOUND A MILLION BUCKS, WHY DONT I GIVE IT TO MY BF SO HE CAN DUMP ME AND SPEND IT ALL ON HIMSELF.

tdawgheath 0

Oh yeah, forgot option 3, buy another ticket and go with him and the friend.