By anlhawks - 10/09/2010 04:02 - United States

Today, I bought my boyfriend two concert tickets (of our favorite band) for his birthday. I was expecting him to bring me since I gave them to him and I like the band too. He said, "Sweet, thanks, I'll call my friend now and see if he wants to go. Think you could give us a ride?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 041
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you speak up and say, "No. I'm taking YOU. If you don't want to go, I'll take somebody else." Don't be a doormat.

FFML_314 11


you're another one of those 2 day old relationship 'always have to be together' type, it's his birthday, and you can't buy his love OR get in the way of his friendship

TheZarola 10

YDI. You gave him the tickets as a gift. He's allowed to do whatever he wishes with them. If he wants to give one to his friend, he can do that. If he wants to give them both away, he can do that. If he wants to put them in the shredder and then burn the shreds, he can do that.

jennniferlea 4

Take the tickets back and ask his friend if he wants to go with you to a concert.... hehe!

cry me a river. it's his birthday and he'll take who he wishes. if you really wanted to go you would've told him you bought them so you could go together.

take that ****** tickets off him and break up with em.

though I do kind of feel sorry for OP, her boyfriend should get to spend his birthday how ever he wants. Since she obviously didn't say she wanted to go, he probably wanted to go with his friend because he's more fun and doesn't play mind games and cry about it later. Sorry but next time do what everyone said and just ask him if he wants to spend his birthday at a concert with YOU :s

obviously his plan is to be rid of you by the date of the concert. get those tix back and show passive aggressive boy the door.

What an asshole. Demand the tickets back then dump him. Aw yes.

EvilDave 13

To all the people suggesting she take the tickets back from him, you do realize that would be a criminal act, right? Once she gave him the tickets, the tickets became his. Taking them would be theft.