By anlhawks - 10/09/2010 04:02 - United States

Today, I bought my boyfriend two concert tickets (of our favorite band) for his birthday. I was expecting him to bring me since I gave them to him and I like the band too. He said, "Sweet, thanks, I'll call my friend now and see if he wants to go. Think you could give us a ride?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 041
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you speak up and say, "No. I'm taking YOU. If you don't want to go, I'll take somebody else." Don't be a doormat.

FFML_314 11


EvilDave 13

Every single person who trashed the boyfriend in the comments for not taking her has no idea what the term "giving a gift means". A true gift is given not expecting something in return. She gave him the tickets and expected that he would take her to the concert in return. That is not giving a gift, that is quid pro quo. It is commerce. If she was expecting him to take her, she did not give him a gift. She gave him a gift to give to her.

FFML_314 11

EvilDave, tell me how you really feel!

well duh, someone's gotta be makin sandwiches...

next time just say: "hi darling, i bought US concert tickets to see this band, now WE can go TOGETHER!" it's called being clear. you still give him one ticket so it's still a gift!

agree with evil dave. If the op wanted to go she should have said "I am taking you to see *insert band* on *insert date* for your birthday!" he would have been happy and she could have got him a small gift. if the tickets were a gift and she expected to be taken she was not giving him a gift really...

It's your fault. You can't expect him to take you, sure that would be nice of him but its his gift he should be able to use it how he wants. If you wanted it to be you and him you should have said so when you gave him the tickets.

rciccone 0

when u gave it to' him you should have said " i bought US tickets to' see your favorit band, WE Are going to' have so much fun HAPPY BIRTHDAY "

#76 Agreed. OP should have specified that she wanted to go when she gave him the tickets. Passive-aggressively complaining about it won't do anything...

You should have bought three tickets. Bros before hoes.

carm3nl1 0

17 n 21 hit the nail right on the head. You Definitely deserved this one. I wouldve Been upset too tho, can't lie.. but still, ydi.

That's me right there I would say something like that:P 

RockstarChickxD 1

Dammit! I hate it when they don't put what concert their attending >.>