By Anonymous - 26/02/2010 11:11 - Norway

Today, I bought Plan B for the first time. Not because I had unprotected sex, but to make the cashier think someone would actually sleep with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 826
You deserved it 43 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would the person at the pharmacy counter care whether or not you're having sex? Pathetic.

YDI for wasting $50 on someone who will forget about you seconds after leaving the store.


I know you're insecure, but that's honestly a waste of money if you aren't going to be using it.

SunshineX7 17

Did you even KNOW the cashier??

the cashier doesn't care whether you got laid or not.

What on Earth possessed you to spend $50 on something you didn't need whatsoever to fool a person who you've never met into thinking you were sexually active?

Plan B isn't cheap. That's a dumb reason to waste your money. What do you care what some random cashier thinks?

Why do you care what the cashier thinks? Even if you do see them regularly, why do you care what they think of your sex life?

So you spent 40$ on a pill to make it look like you had a sex life?