By Anonymous - 26/02/2010 11:11 - Norway

Today, I bought Plan B for the first time. Not because I had unprotected sex, but to make the cashier think someone would actually sleep with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 826
You deserved it 43 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would the person at the pharmacy counter care whether or not you're having sex? Pathetic.

YDI for wasting $50 on someone who will forget about you seconds after leaving the store.


younggunz 0

she's gonna forget you in a second.... ydi

JameeBilthuis 0

fake. who would do that and waste the money. you must really be a ******* loser wow

yellow_snow 0

first off **** u for doing that. I had to go to 2 diffrent stores looking for plan b one time because they were out and seeing this makes me wonder if some dumb ass did the same thing as u. I wish I could slap the shit out of u.

FAKE!!! no one is that stupid or desperate.

your life is a fistfull of fail. no one wants to **** you, because you do stupid shit like that. you could have used that money to buy a vibrator for your lonely ass.

You wanted to prove to the cashier (who you don't know) that you were too ******* stupid to know what you were doing and need to kill your unborn child? The cashier won't care about you because you're not the only person who buys Plan B and you don't exactly think "oh wow, she needs to kill her unborn child, she must get around a lot" if anything he'd think you're a *****. Were you trying to get lucky with the cashier? That's a hella bad pickup move "hey, I need to kill my child so there's space for yours", or something like that. It wouldn't work so you basically just blew money to convince a random person that you're not completely disgusting, repulsive and that there still might be hope for fertilisation with you. Dumb ass.

How cute, a male thinks he is smarter than women. Hey moron, Plan B won't work if you're already pregnant. It is a stronger dose of the birth control pill. Now sit down and shut the **** up since you're just showing the world that you're too ******* stupid to know the difference between the abortion pill and Plan B

I'm curious about who actually said "FYL" lol