By Anonymous - 26/02/2010 11:11 - Norway

Today, I bought Plan B for the first time. Not because I had unprotected sex, but to make the cashier think someone would actually sleep with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 826
You deserved it 43 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would the person at the pharmacy counter care whether or not you're having sex? Pathetic.

YDI for wasting $50 on someone who will forget about you seconds after leaving the store.


WickedPixie 0

Um... Plan B is expensive. You couldnt have gone with condoms?

plan B is way too effing expensive to buy it's like $50 for a box. why the hell would you do that? If you wanna look like you have a life just buy condoms stupid

plan b is like close 60 bucks.that's ridiculous

my question is why would you pay $50 just to make it look like you had sex... YDI

kissyface13 0

wow you blew $60 to make someone who probably could care less think you're a ****.wow sounds like a good deal to me.i wishi could just blow money like that

and we should feel sympathetic to you why? maybe pathetic...but not sympathetic...srry!

It's extremely sad that for your own emotional self you actually had to convince a complete stranger your having a sex life; by buying post-contraception ... O_o

danithebroski 0

Not gonna lie that's mad pathetic

So why would you think that? You can't be that bad looking.