By foreversingle - 30/06/2013 18:09 - Netherlands - Helmond

Today, I bought some makeup supplies at the supermarket. The cashier snorted and muttered, "Not enough in the world for you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 470
You deserved it 3 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People must not really value their jobs.

ballettillidie 8

No amount of makeup can mask her ugly heart.


What a total bitch. Nothing can mask that ugly personality.

What a total bitch. Nothing will mask that ugly personality.

What a total bitch. Nothing will mask that ugly personality.

If she snorts...she isn't that attractive either...

Next time pick your beauty supplies at a higher quality establishment. Their business depends on how well they treat their customers.

10showgirl 16

Should have said , "Bitch, Did I ask you? You're a f&*-+%$# cashier." Maybe that's just me though? My southern accent and colorful words come out when I get angry. XD

Octwo 16

And what does being a cashier have anything to do with it? Are you implying he/she deserves less respect based on the job they have? Judge someone by their actions because trying to insult someone based on where their work is pathetic and ignorant. Way to demean every other cashier out there that isn't an asshole.

jw90 18

Ouch. I'd report the management on the rudeness of their employees.

Seriously ? what a rude bitch! Should totally tell her supervisor or manager for unprofessional customer service!

Just look straight into her eyes and say, "I hope you know I'm the CEO of this company, and you're on undercover boss!"

threer 30

Simply genius . I applaud you.