By honeybadger123 - 14/11/2011 01:11 - United States
honeybadger123 tells us more.
yea it was purple haze
Top comments
Weed makes people dumb, angry (when they don't have their weed), irritable, and prone to a bunch of cancers.. Look Bob Marley died of cancer: he had 3 cancers: stomach cancer, brain cancer and lung cancer.... There is nothing good about weed. It's just a dumb and useless drug.
It was his first time, yea he shouldve tried ppl he knew, but cmon give him a break, nothin wrong with a little ganj...
The millions of ppl in the U.S. who smoke pot recreationally, would def disagree with most of the comments here. Plus my sister, who has fought cancer for years, says that weed is the only thing she's tried that remotely helps her pain, and makes her hungry n keeps her weight up enough to endure the treatments that she needs to survive! So screw all of you that say pot has no positive uses!
But was it good weed?
Dont do drugs