By Sica - 15/03/2012 19:28 - France

Today, I broke my little toe. It got stuck in my panties as I struggled to get a leg through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 731
You deserved it 6 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments


MEM0817 18

Hey! I did that once! Broke my little pinky toe... but not on my panties. Heads up, it doesn't heal right (at least mine didn't) and looks kinda funny. :]

joncole 6

Sound like big undies to me

The_creator_fml 2

Camel-toe, you're doing it wrong.

fourthfloor 3

Wow, you have really bad balance to be that clumsy, maybe time to exercise so you can improve your coordination and strengthen your legs?

Twice, the second time being when you had to turn them around the right way?

dmadsen33 9

See, this is a common mistake, here's what you do: When you put on your panties or your pants for that matter, you do it ONE LEG AT A TIME... Yes, yes, that's the trick! I tought myself this after my ex took away my trampoline.

Dam. Nice. What kind of underwear do you wear?