By DeadBroke - 07/01/2010 05:01 - United States

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years because I was tired of his childishness and anger, so he decided to send me 540 random text messages of scrambled letters in order to mess up my phone as well, as make me pay 20 cents for each message. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 552
You deserved it 5 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what is this? you get charged in the us for receiving a text? land of the free my ass

Making the receiver pay for SMS is totally weak.


That sucks, but it's kind of funny at the same time, and I hope you'll be able to laugh, at least a little bit, at it in the future.

20 cent!? That's more than I have to pay to send a text and it costs me nothing to recieve!

Ugh. Well, I can see why you broke it off :(

iv never heard of having to pay for recieving a text, unless ur buying a ringtone or something... and some ppl r saying this is normal? fyl for not living in australia.

1.unlimited text plans guy will send 540 text msgs we gets charged too

You pay to RECEIVE texts? what kind of dumb-arsed contract are you on?

everyone on here is stupid. if you don't have unlimited texting, you normally have to pay. wow how ridiculous! hah.

yottskry 0

For those of us not in the USA it IS ridiculous. Having to pay to RECEIVE a text message is unheard of in the UK. Having to pay to send a text is fairly rare. Even on most pay-as-you-go phones you get a certain allowance of texts you don't have to pay to send, and you never have to pay to receive.

CyclonePsycho 1

After message #50, I think it was time to punch him in the face. : People are such doo-doo heads.

THE SAME EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME! Except we were not together for as long as you were and he only sent me around 400.. BUT I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND HOW FRUSTRATING IT IS! It is like, before u can eve open the first message ten more come in. It is riduculous. UGH! SO FRUSTRATING! I feel for you :( literally... i am so empathetic towards u... SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME :(

nappropri8 0

That happened to me as well, my ex sent me messages over messages on my prepaid. And all the messages were the same, they all just read, 'Bitch.' What a douche bag.