By DeadBroke - 07/01/2010 05:01 - United States

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years because I was tired of his childishness and anger, so he decided to send me 540 random text messages of scrambled letters in order to mess up my phone as well, as make me pay 20 cents for each message. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 552
You deserved it 5 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what is this? you get charged in the us for receiving a text? land of the free my ass

Making the receiver pay for SMS is totally weak.


omg what a douche, you should be glad you got rid of that jerk... make him pay the 108$

Wow, that's crazy... For once I'm actually glad I live in the UK >.<

spitfire835 0

YDI for not blocking his number. Any dumbass would get the picture after a few texts.

sissypants32 0

now that your single give me a call!

GeeksAreFreaks 0

if you don't open the messages they don't charge you muhahaha :)

FalsePretense 0

US Cellular gives you free incoming texts :)

You mean you enjoyed his childishness and anger for the first two years?

blue_mandie4 0

Don't open them 'cause some cell phone companies won't charge you for them if you don't open them. But if they do charge you then call up your cell company and explain it to them, hopefully they will understand!

Actually, AT&T charges you for text messages regardless if you opened the message or not. Most companies do that these days.