By DeadBroke - 07/01/2010 05:01 - United States

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years because I was tired of his childishness and anger, so he decided to send me 540 random text messages of scrambled letters in order to mess up my phone as well, as make me pay 20 cents for each message. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 552
You deserved it 5 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what is this? you get charged in the us for receiving a text? land of the free my ass

Making the receiver pay for SMS is totally weak.


You have to pay to recieve texts?! Dear god. That's ridiculous, in the UK they are free to recieve and like 10p to send.

At least you know you made the right decision! I really hope you didn't open all of the messages he sent you! But why don't you have a texting plan? It's alot cheaper...

That's what you get for using text messaging in the first place. The device you have it on is made for TALKING to someone. Everyone who texts deserves to get charged up the ass for it...

I use my cellphone as an alarm clock, honestly :/

russianspy1234 11

Except you don't have a choice, its an included feature, and even if you never send you still get charged for receiving. What you can do (OP) is report the message as spam, which it really is, and then they'll credit you back (probably)

They probably did hoping one will be a "I'm so sorry, I have just realized what a horrible childish jerk I've been. To show that I'm grown up, I'll pay for the previous 539 messages and have started seeing someone about my issue. Please take me back."

extinct_fizz 0

That happened to me; the ex used a website to spam me with SMS and MMS messages. I got over 2500 before I could get my carrier to block the number. :(