By kingpin9219 - 30/05/2011 04:29 - Canada

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend in a crowded mall. I thought this was a good idea, until she went ballistic, began screaming and crying, and then stabbed me in the stomach with a ballpoint pen. I got banned from the mall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 095
You deserved it 52 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

looks like it was a good thing you dumped her if she's that senssitive

1waytoolive 1

Yeah 24 somewhere private so she could of killed him and disposed of his body so much easier.


SkyHiLyfe_808 0

I'd be pressing charges on her crazy ass.

who needs to break up and be Facebook official when you can do that

Egnar 19

I understand why you broke up with her in a mall - You didn't want her going ballistic on you and you assumed public would be a good place to do it, that makes sense, but a mall?. . .Really? Such a poor place to break up with somebody you know will probably take it poorly [hey you dated her!] It's one thing to do it in public, another to do it in one of the biggest hubs people in your area.

I like the way your first sentence understands and your second sentence questions the OP, Egnar.

Egnar 19

The point is I see the reasoning behind doing it. . .But that it doesn't make it an appropriate place for it. It's like if your boss calls you in because you did something more efficiently [but putting yourself in danger] and he might say "I understand why you choose the route but in the future please stick to company guidelines for your safety].

loooooooooool_fml 1

He obviously needed witnesses if the ex burt out. Think about it, if she reacted like this in public, how would have she reacted when he would have broke up with her in privacy? =/

Egnar 19

Yes I understand that - Public isnt' a bad place, but, it's unfair to do it in such a hub of places when you know somebody is going to react emotionally. There were better places to go with witnesses around. She probably felt so embarrassed by the people around her that she reacted so poorly.

Jazzalyn 10

Woah. OPs girlfriend stabs him with a ballpoint pen. OP gets banned. Does someone see something wrong with this picture?

What I "see" is one side of the story...

It's been said " the pen is mightier, than the sword or gun" : O

jewfish27 4

an uppercut from hell, tht my friend can solve any dilemma

you should have taken her somewhere a little more private. such as the psych ward at your local hospital. then she would have had someone to help her.

good thing you didn't break up with her on a cruise or a plane...who knows what they wud have done...