By kingpin9219 - 30/05/2011 04:29 - Canada

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend in a crowded mall. I thought this was a good idea, until she went ballistic, began screaming and crying, and then stabbed me in the stomach with a ballpoint pen. I got banned from the mall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 093
You deserved it 52 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

looks like it was a good thing you dumped her if she's that senssitive

1waytoolive 1

Yeah 24 somewhere private so she could of killed him and disposed of his body so much easier.


Oh no... a ballpoint pen, run for your lives...

better not make her more mad she'll pull out a sharpie gun

should have ran away from the crazy bitch

You got banned? Why didn't SHE get banned?

jklol11 0

i was wondering the exact same thing!

sourgirl101 28

And where are you from, that you would spell they're as there?(:

they were scared she would go crazy on them too

IHeartJimi02 0

I agree. If he got banned then I sure hope she did too.

GallifreyDog 2

Why did he deserve it? He didn't do anything wrong, he would have had a reason for breaking up with her.

sourgirl101 28

Where is your comment defending the guy about getting a "Batman" cake on the next FML? lol

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Especially somewhere that there were people and security. She could've killed him if they were alone at home, and thrown his body in the river or something. Getting stabbed with a pen and banned from a mall seems like a very small price to pay for breaking up with a psychotic bitch. The only reason one could say he deserves it is if he didn't file a restraining order afterwards.

sourgirl101 28

I carry a pen in my purse. I never viewed it as a weapon, until now.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Have you never seen Red Eye?

my thoughts exactly, 74! Those things can do some serious damage...

Kahuna382000 2

Yep. You really deserved that. Moron.

Congrats for leaving her, and just a warning the crazy ones come back for more just saying.