By BobRyder - 10/04/2014 20:52 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I brought home my 3D glasses after a movie. I had a laugh about it until I realized that I put my $100 sunglasses in the recycle box outside of the theatre instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 407
You deserved it 24 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you *reaches for sunglasses*...Aww

You must have gotten ripped off if you confused your sunglasses and the 3D glasses


YDI for having $100 sunglasses, why the **** would you buy shit like that? You know they're no better than $10 sunglasses right?

$10 sunglasses aren't polarized. $100+ ones are. Anything cheaper than $50 is just as good as squinting. They don't protect your eyes from anything.

Actually, mine were $15 and are polarized.

Reality_bites 14

I feel a bit sorry for the person who isn't going to get to see their movie in 3D now when they get the OP's sunglasses instead of the correct ones.

I am hoping they were atleast prescription sunglasses for that much money

I was right about to comment about this, so I'm posting it here. Mine came out to just over $100, but they're prescription lenses. I cannot fathom spending that much on run-of-the mill shades.

YDI for paying $100 for sunglasses, unless they had Bluetooth too.

Krissey_DJ 16

Who the hell spends $100 dollars on sunglasses?

What $100 sunglasses look like thin cheap plastic? Are they fake?

It's a possible they didn't recycle yet you can get them back...

okay sorry but huge face palm. why in the name of common sense did you not just return to the theatre and get them from the bin? they would have let you.

the amount of YDI's is crazy, OP may have had to buy $100 sunglasses due to prescription, he may not have brought them at all, they may be a gift from a significant other, and if he went to the movies with a partner, chances are he'd be talking to that person and put his glasses in the box without thinking at all, it's easily done. Although I would've left my sun glasses in my car if I was gonna spend the next two hours or so in a dark room.

Even if he did buy expensive sunglasses, who cares? It's his money; he can buy whatever the hell he wants. I don't understand why so many people seem to care. It's not going to impact their lives in anyway. Live and let live.

exactly, it didn't cost me any money, so it's none of my concern how much he spends on them, I wouldn't spend that much on sun glasses though, I lose all mine, one pair even ended up on the bottom of the ocean

Hey I FOUND a pair of sunglasses on the bottom of the ocean!