By BobRyder - 10/04/2014 20:52 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I brought home my 3D glasses after a movie. I had a laugh about it until I realized that I put my $100 sunglasses in the recycle box outside of the theatre instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 407
You deserved it 24 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you *reaches for sunglasses*...Aww

You must have gotten ripped off if you confused your sunglasses and the 3D glasses


Yeah but now you can look at your boring, normal, 3D life with your amazing new 3D glasses and make it 6D!!!! ....Or it'll still just be 3D and you'll end up hurting your eyes... Yeah maybe don't try it.

No, you're math is wrong. You multiply, so it's 3d times 3d. Now OP can see in 9d squared.

Goblin182 26

No, its either 9d or 3d squared.

97, it's 9D squared. You multiply 3 by 3, then D by D. Then you would multiply both of those together.

It is possible that if you go back to the theater someone may have turned them in....possible, not probable, but worth a shot. Good luck

samy_yo 12

nobody can turn them in when they're in a big recycle box of other glasses.

22- whichever staff member is tasked with cleaning them for the next movie hopefully would have turned them in.

That's exactly what I meant 77...glad someone understood :)

And that's why you don't buy $100 sunglasses.

Squeaky_Tomato 14

Prescription sunglasses generally cost that. Some people can't wear contact lenses so they have to fork over large amount of money for sunglasses.

If you look at most peoples glasses, a majority of them cost at least $150. My brother has 3 pairs that were all about $250

This is gonna make me sound cheap but mine were $15.00...

Any GOOD ones that actually protect your eyes, and not just shield the light, will cost a bit of money. My brother also has quite a few pairs that are $200+

60- we use uv in class to kill microbes. I can tell you rhat uv will not penetrate anything solid and the tint on her cheap sunglasses is enough to protect her from the light damamge if they are tinted enough. price isn't a factor.

The only thing more expensive glasses do is cost more. Anything else is simply high quality marketing.

Haha #55 not as cheap as me mine were $5

jroxs13 4

That's simply not true. They use polarized lenses so they actually block the UV rays.

My glasses cost $250, but they're prescription and have transitions lenses in them. Best glasses ever.

Yeah my sunglasses are $20 and they are polarized for UV protection. I understand paying $100+ if that includes prescription lenses, but other than that I completely don't understand expensive sunglasses. They are way too easy to lose or break to justify spending that much on them, and not to mention totally not worth that much money. At that point you're just paying for brand name.

Nope, that's not true everyone in my family has them all our pairs are under £100 (not put together obviously) you live in USA? Americans have more money than English and you don't have NHS to make them cheaper and cheaper stuff normally works better unless it's electronic! And mine were £2.50

SauceySarah 30

Can't you go back to the theatre, explain to them what happened, and then retrieve your sunglasses?

That's what you get for going to mindless, stupid-ass 3D movies.

Awww. Has no one ever invited you out to the movies? Is that why you're so grumpy?

kingdomgirl94 29

Uh, MOST movies are offered in 3D now... bitter much?

I've been to a couple 3d movies, I haven't seen anything to make it better than 2d, definitely not worth the extra money, plus the glasses give me a headache.

I will never understand why people spend so much money designer items

in your pic, do you dye your hair yourself or professionally?

Brand name makes you sound cooler by society standards and rules

are you trying to make her sound hypocritical if she professionally dies her hair because she can't understand why people would spend so much on sun glasses? even if she spent hundreds getting her hair done, it's not like she can lose her hair accidentally

I totally agree #18, get faces pulled at me when I say I buy a £10 jumper exactly the same as a £35 one, the difference being that it doesn't have someone else's name on it. Kinda reminds me of iPhones...

People spend money on what they want. Some people buy cars, some buy gaming systems and games, some buy purses, and some buy sunglasses. If he had the means and that's what he enjoys, who are we to judge?

Maybe they're prescription sunglasses.

Yes, it's true that people spend money on what they want to spend money on, but it doesn't mean you should agree that it isn't pointless or stupid.

addioty 19

My prescription ones were $300, and they weren't because of "brand name". It was because my vision sucks. Please stop spewing bullshit.

Looks like you're going back to the movie theater.

Who would pay $100 for sunglasses? Just go back and ask for a search if you can.

Someone who wants to keep their eyesight for a while?

addioty 19

Someone who has a prescription?

YDI for wasting $100 on suck-quality shades.

shit dude. maybe you could get them back