By aeris - 11/11/2018 09:30 - United States

Today, I brought my boyfriend over to meet my parents. They prepared dinner for us - mushroom pasta. I have always hated mushrooms, so I spent the entire dinner trying not to gag. Unfortunately, I did gag and my mom got up and smacked me so hard I fell out of my chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 679
You deserved it 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother is a wonderful parent. Who hits their kid over something like that? Also, mushrooms are horrible, so you were justified in your retching.

At least it wasn’t HIS parents and you didn’t have to impress them? But yeah, that sucks.


At first, I thought you meant your mom smacked you on the back like you were choking on the mushroom (which she shouldn't have made knowing you hate them). But now I'm wondering if that's the case... yikes! Sorry, OP. FYL indeed.

hkittyfreak 4

Give your mom a ticket for a stay at the psych ward for Christmas.

Edessa 8

Well I guess that's one way to react

She HIT you that hard for that?? Maybe drop mama messed up out the picture till she's back on the meds

Casstrodamus 4

The smack was completely uncalled for, but to be honest, I don't get why you gagged. I dislike mushrooms quite a bit (except chanterelles cooked in bacon fat with onions and green peppers, because they take on the taste and texture of meat), and they've never made me gag.