By lylethomes15 - 21/04/2009 13:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
By humanchewtoy - 07/07/2018 20:30
By Anonymous - 02/09/2019 02:00
By mike h - 10/08/2012 04:37 - United States - Mcadoo
By deaddoggy - 02/03/2016 20:46 - New Zealand - Palmerston North
By KilteDKilleR - 15/10/2011 14:02 - United States
Time to shine
By lukey101 - 07/09/2023 22:00
By baddoggy - 17/10/2010 08:13 - United States
By shanxi - 23/05/2012 18:47 - United States
It's alive!
By yes I felt EVERYTHING - 11/01/2022 20:01
By tbright010 - 08/04/2011 22:48 - United States
Top comments
Oh my god, sorry to hear.
What ******* morons are saying YDI? **** them. I'm sorry your dog was lost, that's terrible. I'm not sure of the circumstances, but if it's possible, you should be reimbursed somehow.
First of all, my condolences on the loss. Our dogs are family members, including one current cancer patient (successful after leg amputation to remove all the destroyed tissue) that we'll all be crushed when they go. Secondly, to the "Sue the vet into oblivion" crowd -- get a grip on reality. Seriously. Even if the OP had a chance of winning the cass bue - which they don't because they signed a release and also because the vet almost certainly made his best effort to save the dog -- what would be the point? It's an empty victory at best. So you put the poor vet out of business from paying the case following a tragic situation that was likely an accident. Have you got the life of your companion back? No. Have you done anything at ALL useful besides saying "the vet wrecked my life so I get to wreck his now" -- no. If the vet actually made a malpractice mistake, then a case is in order - but it still won't un-F the OP's L. It's far more likely that the death was unintentional, unpreventable, and unpredictable.
whoever would click on ' you deserved that one ' are all assholes. no one deserves that. sorry about your dog, my advice: sue them. :)
I'm sorry for your loss. There is no such thing as routine surgery, though. Any time an animal is under general anesthesia, there's a risk. Especially since most animals (young, otherwise outwardly healthy) don't get a full-bore workup pre-anesthetic. I've seen this happen first hand (a 2 year old bassett getting a little bump taken off her lip died) and some times there's just no explaining it. And a lawsuit won't get you anywhere unless there was demonstrable malpractice. Death is considered a possible complication of anesthesia and, unless the vet directly did something like OD a drug, is not going to be the cause of a judgement against the vet.
I am so sorry. I went through a similar situation from the other perspective. I was a veterinary technician and a client dropped their cat off for yearly vaccinations. Unfortunately the cat reacted to one of the vaccines( it never had in previous years), went into anaphylatic shock, and died within a few minutes. Even using the crash cart didn't help. It was one of the most horrible things I have ever seen. Especially since I love cats. There was no way to tell that this cat had developed an allergy to the vaccine. It was just one of those rare things that happens. It was probably a rare occurance with your dog as well. So sad.

omg im so sorry!! thats so sad. jeez
So sorry. They should at least pay for a new puppy.