By higagram - 10/09/2010 03:15 - United States

Today, I bumped into a lady in the New Jersey airport. After I politely apologized she said, "Watch your step, asshole." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 824
You deserved it 5 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Manners went out of style in the early 90's. It seems you won't make it anywhere in this world if you're polite to others. People seem to take it the wrong way and see you as even more of an asshole than you really are. If you were even one in the first place.

JokeMeister 0

The correct response was"**** You!!"


Take this word from a New Jerseyan himself [me, that is…], we NJ-ans get really impatient rather quicker than Floridians… or any other person for that matter… OP, you'll REALLY hate to drive in Jersey. P.S.: Honking your horn in NJ with no reason is illegal, but cops WILL do it to you and they WILL pull you over because you cause them to honk at you.

xxKELLxx 0

Get used to it, it's the dirty jerz. (I can say it because I've lived here my whole life)

msl1333 4

it's Jersey. What do you expect?

I hate people from NJ, but what the he'll does that have to do with it?

in from new jersey!!! why do u hate me?!?! my heart is broken!!

lindseytaylor201 0

WELCOME TO JERSEY!!! 'your on the jersey shore bitch!!' hahah. I live in jersey. I have the right to say that. lol

i live in jerseyvthatvis the closet u will ever get sorry and thank you

OnlyInhuman_fml 0