By higagram - 10/09/2010 03:15 - United States

Today, I bumped into a lady in the New Jersey airport. After I politely apologized she said, "Watch your step, asshole." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 824
You deserved it 5 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Manners went out of style in the early 90's. It seems you won't make it anywhere in this world if you're polite to others. People seem to take it the wrong way and see you as even more of an asshole than you really are. If you were even one in the first place.

JokeMeister 0

The correct response was"**** You!!"


quinz 4

Oh you poor, poor thing, you accidentally bumped into someone and they were rude to you?!?! Get over it. I'm also from Tennessee, and if I went to somewhere like New Jersey I'd expect a bit of rudeness.

skyeyez9 24

People from the east coast are rude, it's in their DNA.

MasterOfTheXP 2

That's what you get when you're in New Jersey. Never seen Jersey Shore? :)

F U! I live in NJ! :P don't be so stereotypical

This isn't really fml material. Some people are just crotchedy.

Thank you. I said that, but the nazi mods moderated it. They'd probably moderate this too.

UpYoursInAdvance 0

Bitches... UGH just BITCHES around the world some of these stuck up bitches need to die especially the ones who SWEAR they cute...

There isn't a New Jersey Airport... There's the Newark airport. Get it right asshole!

ohJeeznotme 7

What about Atlantic City or any of the smaller private ones?

Welcome to Noo Jersey. :-/ /from NJ //glad I escaped

xGabri3L 3

I'm guessing you were in an airport in New York!