By Anonymous - 10/09/2010 02:09 - United States
Same thing different taste
By lexii - 05/05/2012 05:01 - United States
By daisythebunny1988 - 21/03/2020 00:01
By romainmain - 16/09/2012 22:50 - France - Charleville-m?zi?res
By rb - 01/05/2011 06:02 - United States
Leave spiders to chill
By Anonymous - 17/12/2020 14:07
By spiderwoman - 15/04/2011 11:47 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 16/10/2019 16:00
Juicy breakfast
By Anonymous - 07/01/2022 01:01 - Canada - Warman
By bugnose - 16/05/2011 06:26
By fml9124 - 20/09/2019 14:00
Top comments
YDI moron
cricket 1, op 0
I agree with 50.
well that wasnt smart was it :D
48 he deserves it because he purposely dropped a container filled with(brightly colored) paint to the floor when he could easily have used his shoe or something else sensible.
you are a moron.
it's was a fake fml but good story anyway
It's bad luck to kill crickets! You got lucky there, you would've had many more fmls later on had you killed it!
really? in that case I must be going to hell for feeding crickets to my lizards every day!
Insects always win when you try stupid methods of killing them. Same with any other vermin. Didn't you ever watch cartoons?
naw has to be anvil or dynomite
If someone murders an Oompa-Loompa, I suppose it would be orange...
Good one haha
Fuhohohoho!~ I made someone laugh! Victory!~ *dances*
I'd hit it
13 your really cute. hit me up sometime
and your a loser. what are you going to do convince her to to move away from home to see you. try meeting people in the real world an not via Internet. it kinda makes you look pathetic. FYI
who wouldn't date someone with such an adorable kitty?
damn -13... your beautiful
omg anyone could put sunglasses and a bikini and people would say they are pretty unless they're fat.
I just figured out the perfect murder. I will never get caught if I kill an Oompa-Loompa by droping a can of orange paint on it... wait a minute... OP, you're busted. Someone call the police.
Smart move,you should have known that would happen! Honestly, You should have just caught it and let it outside INSTEAD of killing it. Just my opinion though.
Yay! Glad I'm not the only girl who would rather take the bugs outside than kill them. Most of my friends, who are girls, would rather -I- kill the bugs. >_<
I can't kill bugs or spiders; I can't even kill ants :( I always feel so guilty.

YDI moron
Have you ever tried using your foot? Or perhaps just leaving it alone?