By unfriendlyskies - 02/04/2012 23:40 - United States - Central Falls

Today, I called an airline's customer service line. Apparently the way that they deal with uncommon problems is by having someone put you on hold for twenty minutes, answer and yell something unintelligible at you, put you back on hold, and repeat. This went on for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 297
You deserved it 2 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

call customer service and file a complaint. oh wait...

You said that to the OP who had the stutter too. Y U CHEATING?!


I hope you asked them for their name.

bertman21 5

They do that to people who let them. Go talk to them in person. Tell them your problem maybe put a few ***** in as your saying it and your all set. Ydi for letting them

Scream at them when they put you on hold. They usually can still hear you.

You should've gone to the actual airport and gone to an actual person

Wouldn't do any good they don't care and can get away with it cause they know people need the flights they book. Just like oil companies there is no reason prices are so high other than them lining their bank accounts

That's completely true they raise prices so that if people want oil they pay higher for the workers who mine for it can get it because it's a high risk job then when there's enough oil theyll lower it cause they know we're the oils at duh

Inediblepeaches 15
DaKillaMafia 2

By gibberish, you mean the word lawyer. It works almost every time for my dad. Or he'll say he's going to cancel the service if it happens to be phone or Internet.

hateevryone 14

And you dealt with that for over an hour?

Every time they did that you should have yelled out PENIS