By PhantomKitty - 21/10/2016 03:07 - United States - Saint Albans

Today, I called in about a job application I put in over a week ago. Apparently, the branch of the company that I applied to was never given my information, and the position was filled days ago. I've been checking the status of the position online daily, and it still says that it's open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 251
You deserved it 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, websites of all kinds are frequently not kept up-to-date - due to time, manpower constraints.... :-(

Fyl! Sounds like they missed out on a great employee


That's not your fault. The company is just stupid. Keep applying!

Fyl! Sounds like they missed out on a great employee

OP didn't check to make sure their information was received for over a week, and seemingly doesn't understand that websites are not always kept up to date. What about that would suggest they would be a good employee?

This would only be my second job ever. I'm sorry if I haven't quite figured out the way things work yet.

OP, websites of all kinds are frequently not kept up-to-date - due to time, manpower constraints.... :-(

Or laziness. If you can't find the time or manpower to update your website (especially for something simple like that) at least once a week or even every 2 or 3 days, then either you or your employees are not doing their job right/just don't want to.

That doesn't really sound like the company is particularly good to work for though...i hope you quickly find a place that has their crap together. Best of luck to ya!

Some larger companies (mine for example) has a policy to put up an job posting for a certain amount of time even if they already had a candidate in mind and have no intention of hiring anyone else. It sucks and is a stupid policy to show that the organisation is giving a "fair" opportunity to whoever wants to apply for the job. Don't get discouraged by this.

Thanks for the supportive comments everyone! That was just the icing on the cake of an extremely bad day. Hopefully I can find another place to apply to soon. My current job is driving me batty.

So either the website needs an update, or that was their way of telling you thanks but no thanks. Don't stress over it, apply somewhere else. Or try sending in your application again.

Sadly, a lot of employers do that these days. I once worked for a place that constantly had a "now hiring" sign in their yard, despite never having enough hours for the people who already worked there. It was ridiculous, and was part of the reason I ended up leaving to work elsewhere.

species4872 19

I really feel sorry for you young people today with what you have to go through just to get a job.