By shittysituation - 05/01/2015 06:27 - United States - Milpitas

Today, I came back from break to find that my roommate had been shitting in the bathtub for the entire 2 weeks I had been gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 533
You deserved it 3 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meggieeeee92 27

I would request a new roommate. That is disgusting. Who does that?

God forbid they move their ass a bit and shit in the toilet like a normal human being.


I saw this on college confession on Twitter

I guess its safe to say your in a shitty situation

Am I the only one wondering how his roommate has been cleaning himself (showering?) for the past 2 weeks.....?

How much did she poop? Like, it didn't fill up the toilet did it?

Why in the world would anyone do that?! Get them to leave or leave yourself. Do not room with this person.