By Ed - 05/12/2010 13:53 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find my five year old daughter drawing unicorns on the wall. The same wall that I had to repaint last week because it had puppies on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 659
You deserved it 11 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bishhitsandii 3

Who was supposed to be watching her? It's their fault.


sallen0046 4

Did you not punish her and explain this is unacceptable behavior? Why was no one watching the child? Small children need to be watched constantly for exactly this reason. If she's having trouble grasping the concept, get those special markers that only work on the paper that goes with them.

thank you! there is no way that it should've happened twice. put your foot down. let her know that it's not okay, and if talking didn't work, try a punishment.

Sorry, OP! I used to do the exact same thing when I was a kid. I scribbled on the walls, furniture, books...Anything that could be scribbled on, basically. It's just what happens when you leave kids alone with writing/drawing utensils within their reach.

So, she drawed already once on the walls, and you didn't hide the coloring tools? YDI.

at least she's a good enough drawer that u could tell what it was

I totally agree with Sallen! You need to punish her; take away her crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc; and buy a Magic Eraser. I hear they take paint off walls if its a satin finish. Hopefully you invested in some high gloss paint. Its a sinch to clean!

Time to cut a hand off.......I mean hide the crayons.

She's a little artist :) just be more careful next time. hide her colouring pencils or get her earaseable ones otherwise you're gonna have drawings of vampires and werewolfs next week :|

I have to ask, 22, do you speak Ulster? :D

That girls crusin' for a child abusin'!

give her, her 'own wall' in her bedroom that she can draw on whenever she wants

thisgirl2u 9

That is a good idea in theory, except most children can't quite understand why it's acceptable in one instance and not another. I would say instead get one of those big drawing canvas' for the girl and then she can hang them up on her wall like poster's.