By Anonymous - 22/02/2015 20:41 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find that my girlfriend had sold all of my N64 and Atari games and both the consoles and bought me a PS4 with the money. While I was standing there in shock, she kissed me on the cheek and said, "I know, I'm the greatest." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 839
You deserved it 4 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TDog3337 12

Childhood Ruined... I'm so sorry

She probably (hopefully) had the best intentions, but that doesn't explain why she thought it was normal to sell someone else's possessions.


some girls just don't understand that old school gaming is way better than anything new

I'd cry, N64 is the best. Legend of Zelda ocarina of time is my favorite game ever.

I assume you used them often, even if you wanted to sell them you'd not have gotten a whole lot. grab an emulator and some roms from the Internet and tell your girlfriend to never surprise you with that kind of thing again because that was your whole childhood or something.

typical bandaid solution, use a rom: NO. You can replicate the graphics sure, but tell me how you're going to use an n64 or atari or what-have-you's controller with a computer.

she had good intentions... can't fault her for that.

I never had the pleasure of owning an N64 (not my fault I'm 16), but if I had, and someone sold it without permission, said someone probably would no longer have front teeth.

I'm shaking in anger... Sorry about that...

trombonefreak12 2

Feel for you man, my mom sold my Nintendo64 and around 30 games for like $20

yellowzinnias 20

Regardless whether she thought she was doing something helpful, the fact that she sold property that didn't belong to her without even a second thought shows deeper issues with her psyche. My advice is to get out now.