By Anonymous - 22/02/2015 20:41 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find that my girlfriend had sold all of my N64 and Atari games and both the consoles and bought me a PS4 with the money. While I was standing there in shock, she kissed me on the cheek and said, "I know, I'm the greatest." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 838
You deserved it 4 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TDog3337 12

Childhood Ruined... I'm so sorry

She probably (hopefully) had the best intentions, but that doesn't explain why she thought it was normal to sell someone else's possessions.


I'd murder my boyfriend if he sold my atari, I'm so sorry for you loss

I'm sorry dude but I think it's time she goes

Maybe get a life and stop playing video games

NaturalBornChaos 9

Get a clue. Playing video games does not mean someone does not have a life. There are many people that have steady jobs, and friends, but still enjoy playing video games. The point of this post is the fact that some N64 games can be worth anywhere from $50-400. Being so the possibility that she sold hundreds or perhaps thousands of dollars worth of games for a console only worth around $450 would be a bit upsetting. Not to mention the fact that there are many games that are very rare, and hard to find, that he may never see again, add in that she probably didn't even get the full worth of them, so yeah, I would say it's most likely a substantial loss. OP, sorry that happened, why people assume they have the right to sell others shit baffles me. Regardless if it's in order to buy something for that same person. If someone is going to pawn shit off to buy someone a present, it should be their own.

Notverycreeative 13

She did something nice.. We all love Mario Kart, but if you care about this one more than the video games, keep the damn ps4 and trade Golden Eye for COD and go bang out your sadness.

Her heart was in the right place but she should NOT have touch your stuff to get the PS4 for you. It should have came from her own money and selling of HER stuff. Your childhood is gone; as a female gamer I feel for you.

apatheticbitch 20
PSYqualiac 17

Oh my God... I'm sorry for your loss! o.O