By Anonymous - 22/02/2015 20:41 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find that my girlfriend had sold all of my N64 and Atari games and both the consoles and bought me a PS4 with the money. While I was standing there in shock, she kissed me on the cheek and said, "I know, I'm the greatest." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 838
You deserved it 4 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TDog3337 12

Childhood Ruined... I'm so sorry

She probably (hopefully) had the best intentions, but that doesn't explain why she thought it was normal to sell someone else's possessions.


I would love her and hare her at the same time. can't blame her cause not all girls are hardcore gamers but selling old games like that? shesh

TallMist 32

I never even owned that system before and even I felt the pain.

ireallylikepasta 12
Astrobomb 21

she didn't do it maliciously. she's just a moron.

If she was the "greatest", she would've asked you first if it was ok to sell your old consoles and games for a new one. She obviously doesn't understand childhood memories and that some people just don't wanna give away what they grew up with just for something new in the market.

If you can't get the stuff back dump her. If you can get the stuff back dump her also.

Maybe they were having money problems and she sold them for rent or something? Op did not say that the money was "a gift"

Unlucky1232 20

it's the thought that counts. kindly talk about this with her. I know its very sad and upsetting but it's not worth breaking up with her