By Anonymous - 07/01/2010 00:29 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By becca - 29/10/2012 03:39 - United States
Carrier pigeon
By Anonymous - 10/03/2022 12:00
By Anonymous - 20/05/2020 08:00
By Anonymous - 19/06/2011 05:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/11/2010 19:09
By GamerGirl - 30/01/2010 15:17 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 22/02/2015 20:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:51 - United States - Ozark
How dare you?
By Anonymous - 09/11/2009 20:25 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 20:15 - Canada
Top comments
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Show it anywayNo, he deserves it for playing an FPS on a console. Also, @OP. Take the note to the police, she's signed it after all. Take that bitch down.
I still can't believe the bitch signed it. Do what #7 did. Even if you did cheat on her, she'll have to reimburse you for absolutely everything. If you managed to complete some of COD, you might even get some compensation points since a new COD game =/= a half completed COD game. Better yet, do what everyone else is telling you to do and get a P... ..with your ex's money.
@ rjrudman There is a reason that PC gaming is dying y'know. @ OP Take the note to the Police, tell your ex-girlfriend you never cheated on her, win the day, enjoy more COD.
The console/PC and gamer arguments are stupid. A real gamer has all consoles and a PC and uses all regularly.
Despite what most people believe the pc doesn't need constant upgrades to run games at a decent speeds. If you bought your pc in the last few years chances are all you need is a good graphics card and it will be able to play most games on the high settings. I have had my pc for 3 years and it still runs games fine and I just upgraded the video card a few weeks ago. Now days pc gaming is more bang for the buck then it was just 5 years ago I am curently in the process if putting together my new system and its only going to cost $800. Thats for a high end pc with an i7 cpu. The only reason I am upgrading is because I reticently came in to some some money and don't really need anything else, not because my old pc can'y run games. And for those of you who think PC gaming is dieing, look at Steam( its a digital distribution service from Valve) and say that. There are still plenty of good PC games coming out like Alien vrs Predator and Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Plant a claymore on her front door
PC games aren't dying, consoles are just a bigger market.
Or call in a AC-130 and drop a 105 on her house
YDI for having an xbox, get a wii or ps3
6 years huh? That's funny, considering they came out November 2005.
hell ya! **** that bitch right where it hurts...her walet nd pride
106- this FML just sounds like buzzkill. hope you had a tactical insertion somewhere useful OP
lol she was smart to hurt w u love most, yet stupid for signing it.
dude.... this isnt funny, its just cruel. i sympathise for you man, no one should have to endure that torture. go f her up! BTW, PS3
**** PS3 getting hacked is wat u expect from free thx anonymous. ;)
Ur a video game freak
Since you can't play COD i suggest you just shoot her instead. And to all the people saying ps3 is better, how are you doing since anonymous made your server explode?
Well both Xbox and the ps3 are good but ... Xbox is better, ps3 has some ****** up live on it Xbox it sick!! Oh btw I have both Xbox and ps3.
Actually, a real gamer plays lots of games and is great at it, and has been playing games since they were young. I'm tired of people trashing other systems or thinking they're more of a gamer than others simply because they waste all their money on entertainment. Seriously, you'd think gamers would stick together.
Maybe she meant cheat on you wit the xb0x? CoD is an addicting game. Even then though, she'd still be crazy...
At least some1 is smart enough to think about another reason for why she did it! Not saying she was right in that it was kind of over the top @OP sorry you have bad taste in women and you shouldn't have given her a key to your house!! This is why you should start a fight w/ the person you're dating so you know how they will react and there are no surprises when your valuables get broken ;)
If you haven't, then check out: Blame Halo 3 Video on Youtube:
That's what I'm thinking too PeopleRSoDumb :P Not saying what she did was justifiable but gamers (and other addictions) don't seem to realise the impact of their actions on a relationship and how it might feel like the addiction is another "lover". "Sorry babe I can't see you tomorrow. _____ just got released and I want to get to level 30 by night." Might as well be "Sorry babe I can't see you tomorrow, I have plans with Xbox".
I would name my xbox "your mom" so that I would be like "sorry babe, can't see you tonight, I'm gonna be up all night playing with your mom" haha
I am guessing since there was no Xbox remains laying around/under the note that it was probably a test to see if he had cheated and the xbox was just hidden. My guess anyway, because really who leaves a note that they smashed it, when the pieces laying there says it all while inflicting more emotional pain. . .
I'm pretty sure you can sue for that or something... :( Hey, at least she's gone, right? She's gone.... right?
With a signed confession in hand? Dang right he can!
@ 1 - Haha, the PS3 thing sprang to mind for me too xD
The 360 would've broke anyway with or without your gifrlfirend's involvement. Get a better the PS3 Slim.
PS3 slim is garbage. At least get the original.
Maybe OP's girlfriend was a Sony fangirl...
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Show it anywayPC huh? Enjoy your viruses...
It's people like you, #9, that make PC gamers look bad.
Demand that she replaces it. If she doesn't, take her to small claims court for vandalism, trespassing and theft. Get a restraining order while you're at it.
#96, that's all you can do about the damn problem. You can't hit her, she won't pay without being forced, and she most likely won't listen to reason.
this made me laugh lol
YDI for dating a psycho. That'll teach you.
Shoot her in the back of the head and then tea bag her.
except your kills on halo!

Demand that she replaces it. If she doesn't, take her to small claims court for vandalism, trespassing and theft. Get a restraining order while you're at it.
I'm pretty sure you can sue for that or something... :( Hey, at least she's gone, right? She's gone.... right?