By fledermausi - 12/06/2012 13:02 - Hungary - Budapest

Today, I came home to my boyfriend emptying his bowels into my aquarium. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 851
You deserved it 3 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose this isn't the time to say, "well that's a fishy situation"...


kittycat2007 18

what the ****? lol I hope he is now your ex Boyfriend.

GVirdi 11

I find it weird how you and 12 said the same thing at the same time, yet 12 is getting thumbed up and you're getting thumbed down

martinv19 6

It's just cuz shes 13 not 12

ant1ion 12

Yeah even though they posted at the same time

Yeah but whatever!! I thumbed 13 up and thumbed 12 down!!!

myalleyway 9

how shitty is that situation

Mr. Hankey decided to go scuba diving.

You just read "Today, I came home to my boyfriend emptying his bowels into my aquarium. FML"

GVirdi 11

20 try reading again, but this time try reading slowly and carefully

naughty101 8

i feel like someone who would do somethong THAT disgusting HAD to have shown some prior signs..your fault babe xx

21: Right, let's blame the OP instead of the boyfriend. Totally logical, "babe".

Not even close, "babe". What was he going to do to foreshadow the fact that he was going to shit in her aquarium? There are a multitude of things that could have affected his judgement here, and unless OP had explicitly told him it was okay to use the fish tank as a toilet, I fail to see how it's her fault.

What 21 might mean is that he thought he caught her cheating Or that he's a drinker or a semi-pothead that does retarted things when he's high/drunk

kjb1234 5
GVirdi 11

47 I'm 97.843% sure booze would come in pee form So unless it was liquid poop, your argument is invalid. Hope you guys liked the visuals :D?

daydreamer244 13

Maybe he was drunk? Or mad at the fish?

Shadow_Phantom 26

Likewise... I really, REALLY, hope he was drunk. FYL, OP.

tony1891 22

lovely. still your boyfriend?