By nocakeforyou! - 15/03/2011 13:11

Today, I came home to my drunk husband, to find that he raided our fridge and freezer to soothe his beer munchies. That would have been fine, had he not eaten the top tier of our wedding cake I'd been saving to eat on our first wedding anniversary, which is in 4 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 212
You deserved it 14 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The tradition of eating the top tier on the first anniversary is ridiculous. We tried that, and the cake was as moist as an 80 year old pussy. You should thank him for saving you from eating that.

MarineWifey88 3

My husband spent our first anniversary in Iraq. we didn't get to spend an anniversary together until our 4th anniversary and by then, we were scared of the cake and threw it out.


Dlkny21 0

YDI for keeping a wedding cak

wow you kept something in the fridge for 12months.

RoxxyHustle 7

yah we tried that one year cake anniversary shit, we made it a month and were just like this is nasty, throw it out. I don't think anybody does that anymore. It's gross.

I've heard worse, but still sort of an FML if it's that important to you. Still think the one-year cake tradition is silly, because most people put it in the freezer and end up throwing it away. The real FML is your husband coming home as a drunken slob.

hamsmum 2

Ahhh thank you 141. Some people just have no idea it seems! I have a friend who was christened and the cake they had to celebrate was from his parents wedding, some 3 years back!

why the hell would you save a cake for an entire year? what the **** is wrong with you?

ew? you saved it that long? be glad you didn't have to eat it.