By Anonymous - 08/12/2015 00:40 - United States - Portland

Today, I came home to my mentally unhinged roommate jacking off to a frozen TV frame of Peggy Hill from King of the Hill. When he saw me, he threw an ash tray at me and told me to get out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 866
You deserved it 2 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

I read this too quickly and thought you said that you walked in on your roommate jacking off to Frozen. As bizarre as it is, I found great relief in reading the entirety of the FML.


Could of been worse could of been toy story

Well she does have those huge feet, maybe he has a foot fetish.

I tell you hwhat, I've never seen two kids do so much damn hwhackin'.

carriem83 8
jkp1291 25

You'd think he would have at least chosen Luanne

davek 36

If he's going to fap to cartoon characters he could at least choose a hotter one (Lois from Family Guy, Francine from American Dad)