By waytootan - 22/08/2011 20:34 - United States

Today, I came in to work looking very tan. I took Friday off to go to a friend's funeral, which was outdoors, and I tan very easily. Now my boss and everyone else thinks I lied about my friend's death to get off work on a Friday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 017
You deserved it 3 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm so sorry for your loss. Your boss's a douche bag.

You should have taken a cool "vacation" pic of yourself standing next to the casket.


That's horrible and I'm sorry for your loss, but what does tanning have to do with it? Does he think you took Friday off to go to the beach or something?

HeartAndSoul2011 0

Don't waste your time telling us this, explain this to your boss!!!! Sorry about your loss by the way!! :(

Maybe next time you could wear something more appropriate to the funeral that covers you up.

Show them the obituary. That'll shut em up

She probably was, but with how suspicious her boss seems, I imagine even just tan arms and a face is enough.

Aren't most funerals held outdoors?

namhowell 6

What the heck did you wear to tge funeral that allowed you easy tan?

I imagine a dress with short sleeves

I feel ya I had a similar stalker she cut my hair when I was 8-15 years old then at 18 would follow me to bars to functions she would find me all over it was creepy I later found out my sister would tell her where I was goin to be cause she thought it was funny this chick was 45 years old at the time and big as a house

Wrong FML, but you've had a stalker since you were eight years old?! :O