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By Ugh - 15/02/2011 17:10 - United States

Today, after struggling for hours to fall asleep with my husbands rather rattling snoring, I finally managed it... only to be rudely awakened an hour later by my husband elbowing me in the face in his sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 822
You deserved it 3 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theatregurl 0

when I first read this I read it as "tried to sleep with my husbands" it took me a while to realize she was talking about 1 person... I think this is exactly the reason apostrophies were invented

Wow seriously? Just because he accidentally hit her in the face? Real shallow if you ask me =/ there are worst things in a marriage than accidentally getting elbowed in the face.


Hurm perhaps he should be checked for Sleep Apnea? Does he also stop breathing when he sleeps?

I'd bet she would love it if he did. After many sleepless nights you begin to wish some awful things!

romano07 0

just punch him back tonight! >=]

Damn right... I've been elbowed in the nose before, and smacked across the face all while my (then) boyfriend was sleeping. Maybe he was dreaming? I don't know.

If he snores so bad don't sleep right next to him!

That might harm the relationship, though. I mean, I can understand where you're coming from; we all need our sleep. But there are ways to solve the problem apart from sleeping in a separate room or something. I haven't tried them, but I heard those nose strips work. As for the issue of him whacking her in the face, get a bigger bed? I've got nothing.

KingDingALing 9

Or she could tie him up. That's a win-win because the OP will get some sleep and then when they wake up, they can have kinky sex!

caramelluv 0

it's fml not solvemyproblems.con

Been there! I get elbowed in the face all the time.

yeah it sux. the wost i got was a punch in the face when my hubby rolled over. ooouch. lol

Really? No... I'd rather keep who I'm with. I love him and I'm not going to dump him just because he (sometimes) snores. I'm no longer with the flailing guy, so that's not a problem. There are ways to solve the issue... why would you suggest divorce? I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that's inappropriate.

wifey28wx 0

this FML sucks...whats happening with the mods these days?

Wow seriously? Just because he accidentally hit her in the face? Real shallow if you ask me =/ there are worst things in a marriage than accidentally getting elbowed in the face.

Sounds like my night, I gave up and slept on the couch lol