By Just Me - 26/07/2012 05:04 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I came out to my mom as a lesbian. She told me that it was impossible, because since she isn't one, she therefore couldn't have given birth to one. She still won't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 628
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you didn't get your logic from her. Clearly, you are the smarter lass.

I'm sorry, but your mother is an idiot. Or she is in denial. Either one will work.


It's always hard when a close family member comes out as an idiot. To be clear I'm talking about your mom.

KemmaYallani 1

Write her a letter. Tell her your being a lesbian has nothing to do with her. Tell her she is the greatest mom there ever was. Tell her how happy you are to be on this earth. Explain to her that who you are as an individual is who you are. That your higher being makes no mistakes. He created you to be the perfect human being you are. It's no one's fault because it is not a fault. It just is. And you want to feel good about who you are. Doesn't she feel the same way about herself? Why would she not want that for her daughter? It's not about the family, the neighbors, society. It's about just little old you. So would she like you to go through life to please others and love them, or would she like you to love yourself first? Love and happiness go hand in hand. She did not choose her sexuality. Neither did you. And then tell her you love her just the way she is.

helpfulperson 9

Introduce her to your girlfriend. If that doesnt work, let her live in denial

doglover100 28
PenelopeHarris 5

Don't let her pull you down. You deserve better than someone who doesn't take you seriously. I wish you the very best for the future, not that you'll actually read this. XOX

anonymous100000 17

your mom is one of THOSE people. I'm sorry. FYL.

I'm sorry. She will come around eventually. She'll believe you when you bring girls over.