By Just Me - 26/07/2012 05:04 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I came out to my mom as a lesbian. She told me that it was impossible, because since she isn't one, she therefore couldn't have given birth to one. She still won't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 628
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you didn't get your logic from her. Clearly, you are the smarter lass.

I'm sorry, but your mother is an idiot. Or she is in denial. Either one will work.


I honestly don't see what's wrong about being gay, I'm not gay, but I know plenty of people who are, and it's not like they hurt anyone by being attracted to the same sex.

linkinpark98 23

Your mom is an idiot! Sorry she doesn't understand you, OP. My mom tried to pull the same thing when my brother came out to her.

Your mother is pretty stupid , OP. Dont worry she'll come around

kitsune3 20

No offense, but she must be one of those idiots who think it's genetic.

OP it really doesn't matter if she believes it or not, it is YOUR decision NOT hers. If she can't understand it then there is no reason to stress it out. It is no ones bussiness but yours on who you prefer to be with. Most family can't seem to understand it, so instead they make up excuses to believe you aren't. The few (my brother and I were lucky) have understanding families who will support and love us, no matter who we want to be with. Don't stress yourself by trying to convince your mother. Just be who you are. GL on your future. <3

You're hearts in the right place so I'm not going to criticize but you're making it sound as if you think homosexuality is a choice, it's not

kellyXbeanz 3

dang, well if sometihing goes wrong with me coming out I hope it's like that instead of being disowned

hateevryone 14

What the hell? She IS dumb.