By Just Me - 26/07/2012 05:04 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I came out to my mom as a lesbian. She told me that it was impossible, because since she isn't one, she therefore couldn't have given birth to one. She still won't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 628
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you didn't get your logic from her. Clearly, you are the smarter lass.

I'm sorry, but your mother is an idiot. Or she is in denial. Either one will work.


Bigmoneyshotz 0

Simple solution to that make a sex tape and play it for her at Christmas dinner.

1crabbygirl 10

Da Nile: ain't just a river in Egypt.

Alexion_Danger 0

If she doesn't want to believe you then find a girlfriend and tell her again

That_Korean_Kid 4
DylansMomma 9

Your comment : How can people be so ignorant? Does she really believe that's how it works? I feel sorry for you.

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : #132 - Who's to says what is "right" and what is "wrong?" There isn't a "right" way or "wrong" way to live a life. As long as said person is happy - then so be it. This is the 21st century. Get with it.

So if a person is happy living life as a serial killer, is that acceptable in society? If we live by your philosophy, chaos will ensue quickly. It sounds happy and good for everybody in theory, but in reality, it certainly is not. If there were not other people in the world saying your idea isn't always correct, I can gurantee you wouldn't be alive to see the 21st century.

At least you didn't break your arm and came out with anesthetics.

Goodlife918975 6

I'm not trying to be mean but I think that being gay or a lesbian is just stupid and if I have kids and they turn gay out the door they go.

Maybe it skips a generation... Apparently pike being a moron in your family (your mom, not you)