By really_dad? - 17/08/2017 13:00

Today, I came out to my parents. After we had a talk about them accepting me, my dad said, "Now get out of here you little duck sucker." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 897
You deserved it 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoxoblondee 31

duck him. you just need to cut goose and let yourself free. don't let him be Robin anything from you. don't be emu about it!

This doesn't sound like the acceptance of duck sucking.


What a snowflake. You suck duck every so often, but doesn't want to be call out of it, because it's your dad? How is this FML?

i got a question, though, like, was that a censored **** sucker and he was hateful, or was it a dad joke, cause tbh if he's telling dad jokes RIGHT after you came out, imo he's accepted fine. the ****.

Ha!! I would be washing my windows at least three times a day...maybe more! I like a clean house. I also believe in getting to know your neighbours! ???