By Gayeveryday - 15/04/2012 04:12 - Canada - Truro

Today, I came out to my parents. They still think I'm joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 498
You deserved it 5 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They'll believe you when you bring someone home, I bet.

At least you were brave enough to do it


Sounds like my parents, they laughed and were like "funny joke Niki, it's just a phase, it'll pass." Six years and several girlfriends later, they still keep thinking "it'll pass". Congratulations on coming out OP! It's quite wonderful out here!

Doesn't matter, still homosexual. Theyll believe you soon enough!

Jc_0003 7

Just bring your partner home and then maybe they will understand that you are being serious.

Gothicbunnyx3 16

Your so brave. Your parents need to accept the fact. Don't worry they'll come through. :)

perdix 29

They probably are wagering that even the gays won't have you. They are howling with laughter that you think you'll ever get anything more than solitary masturbation.

WaylonD 4

That's nasty! (Cleveland voice) XD

Red Foreman's voice: Dumbass Unless you think Homosexuals are disgusting (which is stupid), there is nothing here disgusting for you to make that Cleveland meme.

Hey :) that's awesome that u came out. I have lots of respect for you sir ;)

"Hey Mom and Dad I'm gay." Hahahahaha goodone no your not honey but that's funny.

Yes, that's exactly how that conversation went down.

zayn_malik 4

Aww! Don't worry! It will just take some time! Good luck! :)