By Gayeveryday - 15/04/2012 04:12 - Canada - Truro

Today, I came out to my parents. They still think I'm joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 498
You deserved it 5 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They'll believe you when you bring someone home, I bet.

At least you were brave enough to do it


Darkmagic666 9

i know how you feel i came out as bi and my parents didnt believe it at first but my mom came around and my dad just doesnt say anything about it anymore. luckly for me my brother and friends were all supportive and it does get easier

Aw, that sucks. Your parents are just in denial. Don't worry, they'll come around in time.

scottishoatmeal 22

Ignore it. At least you went to them and was honest. Enjoy life!

Have sex with a guy when they're home, then when they hear and come see it, look them right in the eyes, continue having sex, and yell "DO YOU BELIEVE ME NOW MOM" as loud as you can as you climax.