By Lily - 21/02/2009 11:22 - United States

Today, I came to school late because I had to drop off my daughter at school. When I got on campus, the security told me I was late but I said, "Oh no, I work here." and he said, "Oh like I haven't heard that one before." And he took me to detention. My boss, the Principal, had to bail me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 538
You deserved it 3 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Something similar happened to a teacher friend of mine. She walked into the staff room and was told to get out as students weren't allowed in there.


She is a teacher who was dropping her young child off at their school. Then she was late for her job at a high school. She looks young so the security sent her to detention.

biancster 0

yeah isn't that good that ppl think your that young?

Blacksabbath211 9

how stupid did the security guard feel after the principal got you out, l

shouldn't you be flattered ? he thinks you're young enough to attend school , I think showing him ID woulda helped 8)

Naominino 1

unless they mistook her for an elementary school student....