By Lily - 21/02/2009 11:22 - United States

Today, I came to school late because I had to drop off my daughter at school. When I got on campus, the security told me I was late but I said, "Oh no, I work here." and he said, "Oh like I haven't heard that one before." And he took me to detention. My boss, the Principal, had to bail me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 538
You deserved it 3 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Something similar happened to a teacher friend of mine. She walked into the staff room and was told to get out as students weren't allowed in there.


My high school is so small that everyone knows all the teachers. and one of the Security guards is my neighbor, and she always lets me off the hook when I'm wandering the halls, or on my phone or what ever.

Panic_fml 0

What? You don't have a driver's license?

bexox 0

Why would you stay in the detention room? It's not like they could do anything to you... This is a weird one.

You poor fish. But, at least revenge on that security officer must've been sweet!

dpressedninja 0

yeah i think they mean like held in a room detention not after school detention. yeah and im surprised you dont have an id card.

#27, the property of ANY school, be it a high school, college, whatever, is called the campus. This is not a term exclusively coined for colleges. So no, I would say she did not deserve what she got.

FlickMyBean 0

I find this a little more than hard to believe. You obviously aren't teaching English Grammar.

The grammar is nowhere near as bad as many other FMLs