By Lily - 21/02/2009 11:22 - United States

Today, I came to school late because I had to drop off my daughter at school. When I got on campus, the security told me I was late but I said, "Oh no, I work here." and he said, "Oh like I haven't heard that one before." And he took me to detention. My boss, the Principal, had to bail me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 538
You deserved it 3 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Something similar happened to a teacher friend of mine. She walked into the staff room and was told to get out as students weren't allowed in there.


One of my teachers grew a mustache because he was sick of being mistaken for a student... but I don't think it would work for you.

You're so stupid! That means you look young idiot!

Maybe they were having detention for staffs that are late as well

mercinary29 1

No shit what kind of school is this?

Don't you have IDs? I get it, though. I sometimes mistake teachers for students. Worst of all? I've had some of them as teachers myself!

In high school, I had an English teacher who loved to tell her classes a story about when she first became a teacher, fresh out of college. She was standing outside her classroom to welcome students on the first day, and she waited out in the hall for stragglers for a few minutes after the bell rang. However, as she was waiting, a security guard came over and assumed she was a lost freshman and guided her out to the main hallway, away from her classroom, to try to explain to her that she was in the junior wing and the freshman wing was on the opposite side of the school.

how do you get bailed out of detention? they charge you now for being stupid?

because they're usually hall monitors or the only ones in the halls during classes