By fmT719 - 18/12/2011 23:48 - United Kingdom

Today, I came to the conclusion that my dad must have had a psychotic break, because when I came home, he was wearing sunglasses indoors, and blasted out Skrillex music all through the evening. The sound of diarrhea pouring into a gutter would make for better music than this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 635
You deserved it 17 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kickazz16 15

It's probably a mid-life crisis. But do know your dad heard you wail and scream for hours when you were a baby. Just adjust to it!


SpeshulK 0

Rap does NOT have a meaning behind each song. Making a song about going to a club doesn't give it a "meaning"

I know this isn't relevant, but there is nowhere else to say it. Has anyone moderated fml's lately? Because I've been doing it for the past 10 minutes or so, and I'm yet to find one that doesn't sound like it was written by a retarded sixth grader.

Welcome to my world. I should submit an FML about it.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Every time I moderate I end up having to stop shortly after because it's really hard to see through the tears streaming down my eyes. It's a tragic sight.

FYLDeep 25

It bothers me on that rare occasion that you read a really good one that doesn't get published. Or even a mediocre one where you just happen to think of a great comment that you could post had it been published.

poemqueen 15

Why does it have to be one or the other? I listen to skrillex and rap. (honestly I listen to everything) Just cause you personally think that rap is a horrible type of music doesn't mean that op likes it because they don't listen to skrillex!

Jesus Christ anything would be better than Sxrillex. If you're going to listen to dubstep make it good stuff.

poemqueen 15

Not all rap songs are like that. Go old school. Or actually listen to something other than Usher and the stuff they are calling rap today.

SpeshulK 0

71) agreed, I can actually listen to the older stuff. I'm assuming they're talking about the current rap though

Break* just saying so the mods can fix it

skrillex is great. YDI for having crap taste in music ...