By anonymous - 20/11/2011 11:31 - United States

Today, I caught my husband once again looking at half naked pictures of a friend of mine on Facebook. When I asked why he did it, he said "I was checking to see if they were still there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 749
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Post yours in revenge...and give us the link :p

blackheart24 10

Yeaaa but if he's married he should have some self control. It's not like he was forces to look at them.


phantumgrey 6

That's your cue to start losing weight or work out to become attractive. You husband obviously thinks your not good looking

Wrong. He's just not getting enough. It doesn't matter how good looking the girl is, if she's not putting out in many cases the guy will find it elsewhere. Likewise if the guy doesn't please his woman enough. And yes, I realize how bad this sounds.

What the hell is with people? Do people really think these things work out better when you make up a half ass lie? Do they actually think you can keep something going with someone you don't respect enough to be straightforward with? Are relationships really so fragile that a sincere "I messed up, I'm sorry, what can I do to make this right?" isn't the right thing to say? Is a relationship unable to bear the weight of the truth marriage material? Can people really think what they are doing isn't wrong but still feel compelled to lie about it? Seriously, anyone who can answer yes to any of those questions is a shallow, short sighted idiot, or some kind of unfortunately common sociopath.

nessakinzz 0

Omg , it's just a picture. Some girls have really gorgeous bodies. Girls look at other girls just to look , ohh but God forbide a guy looks at another girl! **** His Life

Ladies, for the record, just because a man loves you doesn't mean that he looses all interest in looking at other women. You are being insecure. Get over it. YDI

SwtCherryPie 26

Well she is on YOUR friends list so in a way YDI but at the same time you dont because he should be considerate enough to have stopped looking after the first time you approached him with this situation. He sounds selfish and inconsiderate. Start checking your browser history and make sure its not more than just Facebook friends hes looking at half naked or worse.

PiperLovesYou 0

Lol Divorce Much? Either That Or Chop His Dick Off. Just Saying :P

amykins164 3

Don't have such sexy friends.

hello_kitty_lovr 1

what a jurkk time flirt with or look at half naked guys Revenge!

Don't be friends with people you don't want your husband looking at.