By anonymous - 20/11/2011 11:31 - United States

Today, I caught my husband once again looking at half naked pictures of a friend of mine on Facebook. When I asked why he did it, he said "I was checking to see if they were still there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 749
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Post yours in revenge...and give us the link :p

blackheart24 10

Yeaaa but if he's married he should have some self control. It's not like he was forces to look at them.


Ma'am I have the feeling you don't give your man enough sexy-time. Either that or the following 2 things may have occurred: 1) You really let yourself go. 2) Hes bored of you and wants to fap to something different.

you act like every guy that looks at a women has **** problems

Ikickmidgets 11

Quit being so insecure, that's your issue not his. He only lied about it because you make it seem wrong to notice attractive women.

We'd better check if they're still there... What's her fb page? ;)

What's her name, I want to see these pics.