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By SingleStrongArm - 03/05/2013 05:16 - Canada - Oshawa

Today, marks the third week in which my girlfriend has gone without taking a shower. She does this every so often, taking showers roughly once per month. She's convinced baby wipes will "hold her over". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 701
You deserved it 9 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't think I could ever be with someone who doesn't value being hygienic.... That's gross.

That's nasty. Time to get a new girlfriend.


Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't think I could ever be with someone who doesn't value being hygienic.... That's gross.

Just imagine what it looks like DOWN THERE if you know what I mean. Brazillian Rainforest.

Forget about "looks like"! Smells/tastes like is probably the scariest issue. There's only so much a baby wipe can do. Ugh. Women can be so disturbingly gross sometimes. Please consider, OP, how she treats herself before you decide on procreating. They'll probably look like those poor souls in the "Feed a third world baby" commercials. Flies buzzing around the bum comes to mind. And oh so many diaper rashes :'(

Yeah because no mother out their takes better care of their kids then themselves. Im guessing she didn't go out to buy baby wipes just to skip showers. She probably has at least one kid, and maybe, just maybe, she doesn't get to shower as much as she'd like BC she puts all of her energy into kids, work, and a whiny boyfriend.

That's a lot of assumption, 107

In what way does Op deserve it? Who the hell clicks that button when it clearly isn't Op's fault? Maybe they found a loophole and decided it was his fault. Really? Anyway, I would never be with someone if they didn't shower or at least not be able to stand it.

hellbilly205 17

We do this in the army when we go on field missons for 5+ days but back in garrison thats just plain wrong

#116 Maybe they are thinking that he's been with her a long time (long enough to know her showering habits over months) and thinking that if he's chosen to stay he's accepting his situation and not doing anything to change it. He's not to blame for her lack of hygiene, but he is choosing to put up with it.

Sometimes I accidentally click that one ...

MrBoredomioo 18

116, clearly you have never been made aware of the YDI badge. You earn it for clicking the YDI button a lot

That's nasty. Time to get a new girlfriend.

It'll be faster to convince current girlfriend to take showers.

I'm pretty sure he's gone that route. OP-"Babe please get in the shower." Pig GF- "No! I'm fine. Baby wipes are better than showers, they get all the crevices" OP *sags shoulders in defeat* Think of the crevices, OP!

Perhaps try and convince her to shower with you, that way you can get in a little clean fun!

BlackBlazeCobra 16

If he cares he should sit her down and explain why it's important to be more hygienic. It's unhealthy the way she's living, and honestly I wouldn't dump someone and leave some other poor sap to deal with their stench. Couples are supposed to help each other, right?

karen1991 15

Agreed. Am a girl and I wouldn't even date myself if I did that.

98- He could have for all you know.

7yzzFML 17

This is actually justified. Shouldnt be dating someone so odd...

Personally I'd dump her for lack of hygiene.

I'm curious why she would do that. Taking a shower is hardly difficult or time-consuming. But having a sex life with someone like that... *shudders*

Maybe this is a psychological problem. If so, then don't give up on her yet OP.

littlemoon23 7

Was just about to point that out #50. I have a friend who doesn't shower often and it's because he was molested while he was in the shower many times as a child. It's sad, but that is how the world is.

I have a friend, we don't know why, but for some reason, he's terrified of water. Up to the point where he only showers once a week.

@50 yeah, I was gonna say, self-neglect is one symptom of clinical depression, or the depressive phase of bipolar disorder.

Awesome name OP; I'd rather the hand than a manky GF too.

The ****?! Stop dating this ediot!

saIty 17

This may be the " I don't want to dump you and hurt your feelings so I'll make you dump me by being nasty".

Zimmington 21

Very possible, I didn't think of that. Wouldn't be the first time a woman tried to avoid confrontation. But OP Saud she does this "every so often" so I'm guessing she's just like that.

SneezyC 15

I bet it's all Dinkleberg's fault.

That is super disgusting, never mind sex even being in the same room with her must be pretty unpleasant. I think this may be one of the very few times an ultimatum is totally acceptable and justified..

You should get her the mother of all wipes... The Shamwow, can be used on anything including coke(not the white stuff) spills, cleaning cars, counters and occasionally, your stanky girlfriend!

RedPillSucks 31

She doesn't need the Shamwow. She needs the Shamholymfyoustank

RecklessJellyBea 7

Well. I would have hoped you've been holding out on her considering her state of hygiene. I can't imagine what it's like down there. I'd suggest giving her an ultimatum, because honestly, that's a bit disgusting and since you have obvious issues with it, maybe you two aren't cut out for eachother.

You laughed before you understood the post? That's indicative of Dumb-Blonde syndrome. DBS for short. I specialize in DBS cases, here's my card. Call, and we'll discuss whether or not your insurance covers treatment. *hands over card* No, tllom! You don't chew on it!

49) here's my card for 60's pedo mustache syndrome

Lool! No I understood what was going on and just didn't understand why. Go find someone else to call dumb Blonde. ^_^

114- Fail. My 'stache incites rage and envy in hairless peons like yourself. I couldn't be a pedophile, as children can't handle the manly, mustachioed manliness that is me. Only REAL men can take the 'stache Also, if you're going to steal my joke, at least add something funny to it?

#10 Then, of course, your question should not have been "What", but "Why." I stand by my previous statement and am still offering treatment. It's a long and arduous task, but if I can save just one person...

Oh sorry I didn't realize that my life's purpose was live by your rules. Ill keep your card just incase ^_^